Root Canal Re-Treatment

When Root Canals Require Re-Treatment

There can be different scenarios requiring root canal re-treatment, such as:

  • The root canal does not heal properly after treatment.
  • There could be an additional root that was not evident in the dental x-rays. Or, canals may be narrow or curved, making some areas of infection hard to spot.
  • Waiting too long to get a crown placed over the tooth after a root canal. Sometimes saliva can enter the tooth and cause further contamination.
  • The crown or filling can become loose, cracked, or broken, exposing the tooth to a new infection.
  • The tooth suffers a fracture.

Our Endodontists specialize in diagnosing and getting to the bottom of the problem. Dr. J.D. Simonton and our team are reliable experts for root canal treatment and re-treatment here in Apple Valley and Lakeview, MN. They use advanced technology and techniques—an operating microscope and 3D imaging—that help them complete your root canal re-treatment successfully and fully.

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